First Wausau United Methodist Church
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.

United Women in Faith



United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith (UWF) is a faith-based membership organization of women within The United Methodist Church. UWF members are committed to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ in community with other women and advocating on behalf of women, children and youth around the world. United Women in Faith has been in mission for more than 140 years.

A community of women whose purpose is …
  • to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ
  • to develop a creative supportive fellowship
  • to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church 
Once a month UWIF members meet in small groups called "circles."
Please consider joining us! 

May 2024

Our church’s United Women in Faith group has had a very busy spring so far, with more to come! It started with the April meeting, which was a “book share”. Many of the women shared a book that was special to them, discussed a pertinent social issue, etc…Those who attended left with many good titles for future reading. The other big event UWF held in April was our semi-annual rummage sale in Fellowship Hall. Under the direction of Sara Koss and Sharon Gisselman, donated items were set up and priced during the week of April 15, with the sale being held on April 18-19. Our church custodian, Andy White, also set up some tables to sell his many collectibles and antique items. With the help of other UWF members, the many tasks needed for a successful sale, such as pricing, cleaning, displaying, greeting potential customers and guiding them to the sale, cashiering, etc…were completed/carried out well. The many sales made will make it possible to support a number of mission projects UWF works with. As you do your spring and summer cleaning, keep UWF in mind, as another rummage sale is being planned for the first week in October!
Clean Socks = Cash for Northcott Neighborhood House!
This is a call to clean out your sock drawer of those old, unused, no longer wanted/needed socks and have them applied to a mission project. UWF are collecting old socks that will be recycled, and the proceeds will be given to Northcott Neighborhood House. This Methodist mission has been serving Milwaukee since 1961, offering a food pantry, after school programs, and apprenticeship job training. We have supported Northcott since its beginning and this is an easy way to continue that support. Collection boxes will be in the parlor and narthex. Tell your friends and family, and together we will save some landfill space. 
UWF will have its “annual” tea on Wednesday afternoon, May 8, at 1:00pm in the church parlor. All women of the church are welcome to come and enjoy this time of fellowship.