First Wausau United Methodist Church
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.


First Wausau UMC in the Wausau Community and World

Click on the button below to view a list of our church's outreach and mission opportunities...

July Mission Offering

Claire’s Critter Closet is an important mission of our church that was created in honor of Claire Hornby and her love for animals! CCC has provided 138 individuals this year with dog and cat food and supplies (litter, food, leashes, treats, etc.) who are going through financial  difficulties. It helps keep people and their pets together and fed during hard times. 
You can also donate items such as dry/wet food, litter, treats, toys, etc. for dogs and cats. Have open/used products that your animal did not like or has outgrown? We take those too!
Throughout the month of June, donate loose change, put cash in the small brown envelopes, memo a check, or donate online under fund name: Claire's Critter Closet
Remember that the Mission Offering must be clearly marked. Either write a note on your check or use the brown envelopes in the back of the pew. Just loose change in the offering plate will not go to the monthly offering.

Throughout the years our congregation has supported the local mission, The Open Door. Our Personal Needs Closet has supplied toiletries, and the UWF is delivering weekly lunches. The Open Door is a resource for those recently released from jail.  

UMW New Mission Project

UWF continues its meal mission at Open Door. We'll make sandwiches once a week for its clients. If you can help or want additional information, please call Barbara R. at 715-205-4622. Thank you, FUMC for your support!




Wausau Free Cliic

A Ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Wausau

We're grateful to partner with First Presbyterian Church, Jeff Todd, and many wonderful medical professionals who volunteer their skills and time to provide excellent care to those most in need. They would greatly appreciate donations of any of these items. Thank you!
  •  4 x 4 gauze
  • Alcohol wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Surgical masks
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • OTC meds
  • Crutches
  • Canes
  • Ace bandage wrap
  • Assistive walking devices
  • Bladder incontinence supplies
  • Menstrual supplies
  • Slings
  • OTC Lidocaine patches
  • Diabetic test strips for Abbott Freedom Free Style lite
  • Digital thermometers for home use
  • BP monitors, especially for at home use
  • Exam gloves in all sizes
  • Children's OTC cold medicine or children's Tylenol
  • English to Spanish dictionary or medical card with terminology
  • Manuka honey ointment for leg sores
  • Multivitamins for children, adults and seniors


Personal Needs Closet:

We again served over 100 individuals helping them stretch their budget by providing household supplies. These are available on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1-3pm and the 4th Saturday of the month, 9-11am. Donate loose change, put cash in the small brown envelopes in the pews or write Personal Needs Closet on the memo line of your check.



We would like to fill up the pages of our newsletter. If there is an event, celebration or piece of news you would like to share, please call the office at 715-842-2201 or email